Tour De France Stage 3 Map: Everything You Need To Know

Tour de France 2022 Stage 3 preview Route map and profile as Fabio
Tour de France 2022 Stage 3 preview Route map and profile as Fabio from


The Tour de France is one of the most prestigious cycling events in the world. The race attracts professional cyclists from all over the world, and it is considered the ultimate test of endurance and skill. In this article, we will focus on Stage 3 of the Tour de France and provide you with all the information you need to know about the map, the route, and the challenges that the cyclists will face during this stage.

What is Stage 3 of the Tour de France?

Stage 3 of the Tour de France is a 182-kilometer route that starts in Nice and ends in Sisteron. The stage is considered one of the most challenging stages of the race, as it features several steep climbs and descents. The route takes the cyclists through the beautiful French countryside, offering stunning views of the mountains and the coast.

What are the Challenges?

The main challenge that the cyclists will face during Stage 3 is the steep climbs. The route features several climbs, including the Col de la Colmiane and the Col de Turini. These climbs are not only steep but also very long, making them very challenging for the cyclists. Additionally, the route also features several descents, which can be very dangerous if the cyclists are not careful.

What is the Map?

The map for Stage 3 of the Tour de France is available online, and it provides detailed information about the route, the climbs, and the descents. The map is an essential tool for anyone who wants to follow the race and keep track of the cyclists’ progress.

What are the Tips for Watching Stage 3?

If you are planning to watch Stage 3 of the Tour de France, there are several tips that you should keep in mind. First, make sure that you arrive at the starting point early, as the crowds can be very large. Additionally, bring plenty of water and snacks, as the race can last for several hours. Finally, make sure that you have a good view of the road, as the cyclists can pass by very quickly.

What are the Best Places to Watch Stage 3?

If you want to get the best view of Stage 3 of the Tour de France, there are several places that you should consider. The Col de la Colmiane and the Col de Turini are both excellent spots to watch the cyclists tackle the steep climbs. Additionally, the finish line in Sisteron is also a great place to watch the race, as you can see the cyclists cross the finish line.


Stage 3 of the Tour de France is a challenging and exciting stage that offers stunning views of the French countryside. The route features several steep climbs and descents, making it a true test of skill and endurance for the cyclists. If you are planning to watch the race, make sure that you arrive early, bring plenty of water and snacks, and find a good spot to watch the cyclists pass by. With these tips, you can enjoy one of the most exciting cycling events in the world.

Question and Answer

Q: What is Stage 3 of the Tour de France?

A: Stage 3 of the Tour de France is a 182-kilometer route that starts in Nice and ends in Sisteron.

Q: What are the challenges of Stage 3?

A: The main challenges of Stage 3 are the steep climbs and descents.

Q: Where can I find the map for Stage 3?

A: The map for Stage 3 of the Tour de France is available online.

Q: What are the tips for watching Stage 3?

A: The tips for watching Stage 3 include arriving early, bringing plenty of water and snacks, and finding a good spot to watch the cyclists pass by.

Q: What are the best places to watch Stage 3?

A: The best places to watch Stage 3 are the Col de la Colmiane, the Col de Turini, and the finish line in Sisteron.

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