The Best Map Of The Earth Is A

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10 Best Hd Map Of The World FULL HD 1920×1080 For PC Desktop 2021 from


Maps are an essential tool for people who want to explore and understand the world. For centuries, cartographers have been creating maps that depict the earth’s surface in different ways. From ancient maps made on papyrus to modern-day digital maps, the world of cartography has come a long way. In this article, we will explore the best map of the earth and why it is so important.

The Mercator Projection

The most well-known map of the earth is the Mercator projection. This map was created by Gerardus Mercator in 1569 and has been widely used ever since. The Mercator projection is a cylindrical map that distorts the size and shape of the continents to make them fit on a flat surface. This distortion causes the poles to appear much larger than they actually are, which can be misleading. Despite its flaws, the Mercator projection is still used by many people today.

Why is the Mercator projection popular?

The Mercator projection became popular because it was the first map that could be easily used for navigation. The map is conformal, meaning that it preserves angles and shapes, which makes it useful for sailors who need to plot their course. Additionally, the Mercator projection was used during the age of exploration and colonization, which helped to spread its popularity.

The Peters Projection

The Peters projection is a map that was created in 1974 by Arno Peters. This map is an equal-area map, which means that it shows all areas of the earth in their correct sizes. Unlike the Mercator projection, the Peters projection does not distort the size and shape of the continents to fit on a flat surface. Instead, it shows the earth as it actually is.

Why is the Peters projection controversial?

The Peters projection is controversial because it challenges the traditional view of the world that is presented by the Mercator projection. The Peters projection shows a more accurate representation of the sizes of countries, which can be unsettling for people who are used to seeing the world in a certain way. Additionally, some people believe that the Peters projection is biased against western countries because it makes them appear smaller than they actually are.

The Winkel Tripel Projection

The Winkel Tripel projection is a compromise projection that was created in 1921 by Oswald Winkel. This map tries to balance the distortions that are present in other maps by using a combination of the azimuthal and cylindrical projections. The result is a map that shows the earth’s surface with a minimal amount of distortion.

Why is the Winkel Tripel projection popular?

The Winkel Tripel projection is popular because it is a compromise between accuracy and usability. The map is conformal, which makes it useful for navigation, but it also shows the earth’s surface in a more accurate way than the Mercator projection. Additionally, the Winkel Tripel projection is used by the National Geographic Society, which has helped to increase its popularity.


In conclusion, the best map of the earth depends on the purpose for which it is being used. The Mercator projection is useful for navigation, but it distorts the size and shape of the continents. The Peters projection is more accurate, but it is controversial and can be unsettling for people who are used to seeing the world in a certain way. The Winkel Tripel projection is a compromise that tries to balance accuracy and usability. Ultimately, the choice of map depends on the user’s needs and preferences.

Question & Answer

Q: Why is the Mercator projection still used today?

A: The Mercator projection is still used today because it is useful for navigation and because it has been widely used for centuries.

Q: What is the Peters projection?

A: The Peters projection is an equal-area map that shows all areas of the earth in their correct sizes.

Q: What is the Winkel Tripel projection?

A: The Winkel Tripel projection is a compromise projection that tries to balance the distortions that are present in other maps by using a combination of the azimuthal and cylindrical projections.

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