Sorting Maps By Value In Java 8

Java Sorted Map Section 16 3 Sortedmap And Navigablemap Java Generics
Java Sorted Map Section 16 3 Sortedmap And Navigablemap Java Generics from


Sorting maps by value in Java 8 is a common task for developers who work with collections. It is essential to learn how to sort maps by value to make more efficient and effective software. In this article, we’ll discuss the different ways to sort maps in Java 8 and how to implement them.

What is a Map in Java?

In Java, a map is an interface that maps keys to values. It is a collection of key-value pairs that are not ordered. A map is useful when you want to store data in a way that is easy to access and search.

Sorting Maps by Value in Java 8

In Java 8, we can sort maps by value using the Stream API. There are different ways to implement it, but one of the easiest and most straightforward methods is to use a Comparator. First, we need to create a method that sorts the map by value using the Comparator. We can do this by creating a new TreeMap, passing the Comparator into the constructor, and then sorting the map by value.

Here’s an example:

“` public static > Map sortByValue(Map map) { Map result = new TreeMap<>(new ValueComparator<>(map)); result.putAll(map); return result; } “`

In this method, we create a new TreeMap called result, passing the ValueComparator into the constructor. We then put all the elements from the original map into the new TreeMap and return the result.

Here’s the ValueComparator class:

“` private static class ValueComparator> implements Comparator { private Map map; public ValueComparator(Map map) { = map; } public int compare(K a, K b) { return map.get(a).compareTo(map.get(b)); } } “`

In this class, we implement the Comparator interface, which takes two keys and compares the values associated with them. We then return the result of the comparison, which is used to sort the map.

Questions and Answers

Q: How can I use this method to sort a map by value?

A: You can call the method and pass in the map you want to sort as an argument. The method will return a new TreeMap sorted by value.

Q: Can I sort a map in reverse order?

A: Yes, you can. You can modify the ValueComparator class to sort the map in reverse order. To do this, change the compare method to:

“` public int compare(K a, K b) { return map.get(b).compareTo(map.get(a)); } “`

Q: What if the values in my map are not comparable?

A: If the values in your map are not comparable, you can’t use this method. You’ll need to find another way to sort the map, such as by key or by converting the values to a comparable type.


Sorting maps by value in Java 8 is a useful skill for developers who work with collections. It’s a common task that can make your software more efficient and effective. In this article, we discussed how to sort maps by value using the Stream API and a Comparator. We also answered some common questions about sorting maps in Java.

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