Exploring The Map Of West Bank, Israel

Israeli Settlements What’s the Big Deal?
Israeli Settlements What’s the Big Deal? from sites.psu.edu

The Basics of West Bank, Israel

West Bank is a landlocked territory surrounded by Jordan to the east and Israel to the south, west, and north. It is a disputed territory between Israel and Palestine, and both claim the area as their own. The region covers approximately 5,640 square kilometers and is home to around 2.7 million Palestinian Arabs, making it one of the most densely populated territories in the world.

The History Behind the Dispute

The dispute over West Bank dates back to 1948 when Israel was established as a state, and hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were displaced. The 1967 Six-Day War further complicated the issue, as Israel occupied the West Bank and began constructing settlements in the region.

The Map of West Bank

The map of West Bank shows a complex network of Israeli settlements, military zones, and Palestinian-controlled areas. The region is divided into three areas: Area A, Area B, and Area C. Area A is under complete Palestinian control, while Area B is under joint Israeli-Palestinian control. Area C is under full Israeli control, and it covers around 60% of the West Bank.

What are the Settlements in West Bank?

The Israeli settlements in West Bank are a significant point of contention between Israel and Palestine. There are around 130 settlements in the region, and they are home to around 400,000 Israeli settlers. The settlements are considered illegal under international law, as they are built on land that is considered occupied territory.

What is the Separation Barrier?

The Separation Barrier, also known as the West Bank Wall, is a barrier that runs along the Green Line, the internationally recognized border between Israel and Palestine. The barrier is over 700 kilometers long and consists of fences, walls, and checkpoints. The Israeli government claims that the barrier is necessary for security reasons, while Palestinians see it as a land-grabbing tactic.

What is the Impact of the Dispute on the Palestinian People?

The dispute over West Bank has had a significant impact on the Palestinian people. The ongoing conflict has led to displacement, economic hardship, and limited access to basic resources. The construction of settlements and the Separation Barrier have affected Palestinian access to land, water, and other resources, leading to widespread poverty and unemployment.

What is the International Community’s Stance on West Bank?

The international community has expressed concern over the situation in West Bank and has called for a peaceful resolution to the conflict. The United Nations, the European Union, and many countries have condemned Israel’s settlement policy and the construction of the Separation Barrier. Several countries, including the United States, have recognized Palestine as a separate state, although Israel and the United States do not recognize this status.

What is the Future of West Bank?

The future of West Bank remains uncertain, as the conflict between Israel and Palestine shows no signs of abating. Several peace plans have been proposed over the years, but none have been successful in resolving the dispute. The international community continues to push for a peaceful resolution to the conflict, but it remains to be seen whether this will happen anytime soon.


The map of West Bank is a complex and contentious issue, with both Israel and Palestine claiming the region as their own. The ongoing conflict has had a significant impact on the Palestinian people, leading to displacement, economic hardship, and limited access to basic resources. The international community has expressed concern over the situation and has called for a peaceful resolution to the conflict. However, the future of West Bank remains uncertain, as the conflict shows no signs of abating.

Question & Answer

Q: Why is West Bank a disputed territory?

A: West Bank is a disputed territory between Israel and Palestine, and both claim the area as their own. The dispute dates back to 1948 when Israel was established as a state, and hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were displaced. The 1967 Six-Day War further complicated the issue, as Israel occupied the West Bank and began constructing settlements in the region.

Q: What are the settlements in West Bank?

A: The Israeli settlements in West Bank are a significant point of contention between Israel and Palestine. There are around 130 settlements in the region, and they are home to around 400,000 Israeli settlers. The settlements are considered illegal under international law, as they are built on land that is considered occupied territory.

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