Location Map And Vicinity Map Difference

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Maps are a significant tool for navigation, exploration, and discovery. With the advancement of technology, we now have various kinds of maps available. Two of the most common types are location maps and vicinity maps. Although they may appear similar at first glance, they serve different purposes. In this article, we will discuss the differences between location maps and vicinity maps.

What is a Location Map?

A location map shows the geographical location of a specific place, region, or country. It provides basic information about the area, such as its boundaries, major landmarks, and roads. Location maps are usually created in a smaller scale and are used to give an overview of a larger area. They are used for general navigation and orientation purposes.

Example of a location map

location map

What is a Vicinity Map?

A vicinity map, on the other hand, shows a more detailed view of a particular area. It provides information about the surroundings of a specific location, such as nearby streets, buildings, and other points of interest. Vicinity maps are usually created in a larger scale and are used for more specific navigation purposes.

Example of a vicinity map

vicinity map

What are the Differences?

The main difference between location maps and vicinity maps is the level of detail they provide. Location maps are used to provide a general overview of a larger area, while vicinity maps are used for more specific navigation purposes. Location maps provide basic information such as boundaries, major landmarks, and roads, while vicinity maps provide more detailed information about the surroundings of a particular location.

Another difference is the scale at which they are created. Location maps are usually created in a smaller scale, while vicinity maps are created in a larger scale to provide more detail. Location maps are used for general orientation and navigation purposes, while vicinity maps are used for more specific navigation purposes.

Why is it Important to Know the Difference?

Knowing the difference between location maps and vicinity maps is important, especially when navigating unfamiliar places. It helps to determine which map is suitable for a particular purpose. For example, if you are exploring a new city, a location map can give you an overview of the entire city, while a vicinity map can help you navigate the streets and find specific locations.

Understanding the difference between these two types of maps can also help in choosing the right map for a specific task. For instance, if you are planning a road trip, a location map can help you plan the route, while a vicinity map can help you navigate the streets and find specific landmarks along the way.


Location maps and vicinity maps are both useful tools for navigation, exploration, and discovery. While they may appear similar, they serve different purposes. Location maps are used for general orientation and navigation purposes, while vicinity maps are used for more specific navigation purposes. Understanding the difference between these two types of maps can help in choosing the right map for a specific task and navigating unfamiliar places.

Question & Answer

What is the main difference between location maps and vicinity maps?

The main difference between location maps and vicinity maps is the level of detail they provide. Location maps provide a general overview of a larger area, while vicinity maps provide more specific information about the surroundings of a particular location.

What is a location map used for?

A location map is used for general orientation and navigation purposes. It provides basic information about an area, such as its boundaries, major landmarks, and roads.

What is a vicinity map used for?

A vicinity map is used for more specific navigation purposes. It provides more detailed information about the surroundings of a particular location, such as nearby streets, buildings, and other points of interest.

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