How Did Gandalf Get The Map And Key?

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tolkiens legendarium Why did Gandalf put the dwarves and the hobbit from

The Journey Begins

In the year 2023, we can still recall the epic journey that Gandalf, Bilbo Baggins, and the company of dwarves embarked upon in the famous novel, “The Hobbit”. The story begins when Gandalf visits Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit living in the peaceful Shire, and invites him to join an adventure that will take them far beyond the borders of their comfortable world.

The Quest for the Lonely Mountain

Their mission was to reclaim the treasure that was stolen from the dwarves by the dragon Smaug, who had taken up residence in the Lonely Mountain. But to reach the treasure, they needed to find the key and the map to the secret entrance of the Lonely Mountain.

Question: How Did Gandalf Get the Map and Key?

Many readers have often wondered how Gandalf acquired the map and key in the first place. Well, the answer is quite simple.

Gandalf had been on a mission of his own to investigate the growing power of the evil forces in Middle-earth. During his travels, he had discovered the map and key in the possession of the Goblin King, who had taken them from the dwarves.

The Goblin King’s Lair

Gandalf knew that the dwarves needed the map and key to reclaim their treasure, so he ventured deep into the Goblin King’s lair to retrieve them. The journey was perilous, but with his wizardry and cunning, Gandalf was able to outsmart the goblins and obtain the precious artifacts.

The Importance of the Map and Key

The map and key were vital to the success of their quest. The map showed the exact location of the secret entrance to the Lonely Mountain, while the key was needed to unlock the door that led to the treasure.

Without these two items, the journey would have been futile. But with the map and key in hand, the company of dwarves, Bilbo, and Gandalf were able to navigate through the treacherous landscape and find their way to the Lonely Mountain.

Question: How Did the Map and Key Help Them?

The map and key were not only useful for finding the secret entrance, but they also helped the company avoid danger along the way. The map had warnings and instructions that guided them through the various obstacles they encountered, while the key allowed them to enter the mountain undetected.

The Final Battle

After many trials and tribulations, the company finally reached the treasure hoard of Smaug. But their victory was short-lived, as Smaug was roused from his slumber and attacked the nearby town of Lake-town.

In the final battle, the company fought bravely and with the help of Bard, a skilled archer, they were able to slay the dragon. The treasure was reclaimed, and the dwarves were able to rebuild their kingdom under the Lonely Mountain.

The Importance of Gandalf’s Role

Gandalf played an integral part in the success of the quest. His knowledge, wisdom, and magical abilities were instrumental in obtaining the map and key, and his guidance helped the company navigate through the dangers they faced.

Without Gandalf, the journey would have been much more difficult, and the company may not have been successful in their mission. Gandalf’s role as a mentor and guide was just as important as his role as a wizard.


The story of “The Hobbit” is a timeless classic that continues to captivate readers of all ages. The journey of Gandalf, Bilbo, and the company of dwarves is a testament to the power of friendship, courage, and perseverance.

And now, we know the answer to the question of how Gandalf obtained the map and key. It was through his own mission to investigate the growing power of evil in Middle-earth that he discovered the precious artifacts and was able to help the dwarves on their quest.

So, the next time you read “The Hobbit”, you can appreciate the significance of the map and key and the important role that Gandalf played in the success of the company’s mission.

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