Why Buying A China Map Is A Must In 2023?

2018 China City Maps, Maps of Major Cities in China
2018 China City Maps, Maps of Major Cities in China from www.chinadiscovery.com


China is a vast country, spanning over 9.6 million square kilometers. It has a rich history, diverse culture, and a booming economy. If you are planning to visit China for business or leisure, having a map is crucial to avoid getting lost and make the most of your trip.

What to Look for When Buying a China Map?

When buying a China map, there are a few things to consider. Firstly, make sure it is up-to-date and accurate. China is constantly developing, and new roads, cities, and attractions are constantly being built. Secondly, choose a map that is detailed and easy to read. Lastly, consider getting a map that includes both English and Chinese characters, as it will make navigating easier.

Types of China Maps

There are many types of China maps available in the market. Some of the popular ones include:

Physical Maps

Physical maps show the physical features of China, such as mountains, rivers, and oceans. They are useful for those who are interested in geography and outdoor activities, such as hiking and camping.

Political Maps

Political maps show the administrative divisions of China, such as provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities. They are useful for those who are interested in politics and history.

Tourist Maps

Tourist maps focus on the major tourist attractions in China, such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, and the Terracotta Warriors. They are useful for those who are visiting China for leisure and want to plan their itinerary.

Where to Buy China Maps?

You can buy China maps online or in bookstores. Popular online retailers include Amazon, eBay, and Alibaba. If you prefer to buy in-store, major bookstores such as Barnes & Noble and Waterstones carry a wide selection of maps.


Q: Do I Need a China Map if I Have a GPS?

A: While a GPS can be useful, it is not always reliable in China. Due to the government’s restrictions, some GPS devices may not work properly, especially in rural areas. A map is a more reliable and traditional way of navigating.

Q: Can I Use Google Maps in China?

A: Unfortunately, Google Maps is blocked in China. You will need to use a Chinese mapping app, such as Baidu Maps or Gaode Maps, or download a map offline before your trip.


Buying a China map is essential for anyone visiting China in 2023. It will not only help you navigate the country more easily but also allow you to discover its hidden gems. Whether you are interested in history, geography, or leisure, there is a China map that will suit your needs.

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